Tuesday, January 7, 2014

About Time (2013) It's Simply About Time

About Time (2013) Working Title
A pre-reading alert! Last night I was surprised by this film on an emotional level. I wasnt ready for it because it is marketed as a romantic comedy and I didn't expect much from it. That being written, if you are like me and you want to be shocked by the greatness of a movie for yourself. Please feel free to stop reading and know that I completely understand. 

Now if you don't mind, I would like to start out by mentioning that I love British films. They are usually quick, witty, and humorous throughout. You will always find more jokes and quirks throughout these films which makes them extremely re-watchable. I must've seen Hot Fuzz at least 30 times to give you an idea of how much I enjoy these films. 

Do you ever sit down before a movie and have no idea what you are about to watch? Last night I was thinking that I would do my girlfriend a favor by watching a ROM COM. I am a 26 year old male and I like many men abhor most of these films because they are all based on the same plot lines (I know that is a tad hypocritical because action movies have been the same for 4 decades now). For years, I have watched these films and hated myself for it because they always leave a bad taste in your mouth. The characters are usually boring stereotypes that are only enhanced by their critical analysis of the human condition. If I could write the movie industry about it I would tell them. "I GET IT! THE GUY MEETS THE GIRL IN X SITUATION AND THEN SCREWS IT ALL UP, ONLY TO GET HER BACK BY A GRAND ROMANTIC GESTURE!" I would say that, but I am pretty sure they wouldn't read a letter in all caps.

I don't mean to offend my lady viewers or anyone else for that matter. I just wish that Hollywood came up with better plot lines that didn't portray men as all being meatheads that only care about sex while having major issues with their masculinity just as I am sure woman wish that they would stop using actresses that can't act and are only put into roles for the way they look as well. I understand that the quirky woman stereotypes are fun for women to watch, but if I see another freak out 'woman' moment in front of a mirror ( I don't think emotional freak-outs are a woman specific feeling) I may just end it all.

All I can say is that About Time was marketed poorly and with my degree in advertising I feel like I have some legitimacy to say that. This movie was everything but a romantic comedy. It really was just a drama with a comedic draw. There were so many jokes, but they weren't overt like you are used to in the genre. They were well thought out and cleverly delivered.

About Time starts about as awkwardly as most British films, but picks up quickly and I have no problem saying that it may be the best written movie of the year (which is saying a lot because 2013 was a good year for film). Shortly into the film after watching our ginger main character awkwardly fumble about for a few minutes, the bomb is dropped by Tim's father when he explains to Tim that all the men in the family can time travel. It may be hard to picture Bill Weasley as the main protagonist of the film, but he does a fantastic job interpreting what most of us would do in a situation where you could time travel whenever you wanted without any Butterfly Effect. 

Emotionally it's hard for me to react to this film because it's such a rare feeling when watching each character.At first you see the immediate hilarious benefits of the time travel and later on you are begging Tim to go back for a re-do. Everything about this film is perfect. The plot is just the right amount of a shocking, but believable. No 'sciency' explanation for why or how, just that it works. It doesn't take out scenes to explain some poorly thought up mathematical explanation that is riddled with jargon to try to extrapolate information about the time space continuum. It just works. There are however some rules that engage the viewer even more and thicken the plot line, but I really think you should watch the movie for yourself to see it first hand. I really am trying to not ruin this film. 

About 10 minutes in you are already telling yourself how much you love the quirkiness of the characters and situation they are faced with and at that moment you realize how much you are going to love the rest of this film. 

You absolutely fall in love with the main character Tim and are in pain from his actions and in suspense to see what he will do or re-do. Tim is clever throughout, but only because it seems like what a real person would be like with his same ability. At times you are finding yourself begging him to go back in time, but most of the time you love and respect that he stays to see it through. One of the best parts of the film is following the mind set of Tim because many of his ideas you would probably  have yourself.

The characters in this film are written exceptionally well. You immediately love each one and always for different reasons. It was impossible for me to hate anyone in the film (and let's be honest, it is easy for me to find fault in anything).

Tim's father (Bill Nighy) is the best written father character I have seen in years. The perfect time traveling father. 

Even the soundtrack is fantastic, which is a compliment I don't often give. The music never interferes with the story and seems to perfectly cascade with each scene. 

Its safe to presume that I cannot wait to watch this again. Hopefully it is soon and I can pick up on more. I hope that this is a movie you watch soon and you find it to be as extraordinary as I do. From all indications this movie should come out on Netflix and Redbox by Feb 28th. 

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