Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Chronicles of Riddick (2004) I Wish It Was A Joke

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The Chronicles of Riddick (2004) Universal

I decided that I wanted to see a comedy last night, but both my lady and I couldn’t decide on which one. She has never seen The Chronicles of Riddick, so I decided to watch this with her. It was just as funny as I remember it. The one-liners were cheesy and the graphics were mostly bad and visually outdated. When you compare this movie to the new one, it is hard to imagine that this could be better or worse, but it is both. It’s an odd compilation to have when the movies are the basis for each story and they are lacking in some things and good at others.    

If you ever stop to watch the Vin reaction shots you almost can’t help but laughing because many times they are out of place. It’s why I consider this movie a comedy. Some of the audio is not synced with the characters and you can tell it was just added in later without reshooting it. I can’t say that anyone would expect this film to be good, but it would’ve been easy for this to be transformed to be a well written screen play.

As movies go this one is partly action as it is mostly filled with ridiculous things that could never happen. The story has the semblance of being something greater but is never able to realize its potential. It also is never able to create its own distinction from other Sci-Fi endeavors and falls short constantly on acting, cohesion, and reasoning.

Throughout the entire story you continually ask yourself why Riddick is where he is. Earlier in the story instead of trying to escape a dying planet with his holy friend (and his family) he decides to go back to where the Lord Commander is in order to avenge his now dead friend. He does this easily and no one is afraid that he killed of the best Necromonger fighters. The Lord Commander basically allows Riddick to escape the armada with little to no effort to entrap him. Another instance of this is right after this scene. After deciding to not save Helion Prime he decides to get caught by the mercenaries that were trying to kill him earlier so he could find his old friend Jack in the most difficult prison to break out of in the system. Knowing that the Necromongers would surely be following him to this location, he plans are altered and he tries to get both himself and jack to safety while trying to help some others from the prison (even though he cares for no one). After just abandoning an entire planet to death and destruction, he goes to a prison and helps people escape with him. It makes no sense. After this ridiculous effort, he decides to go back to the armada to attempt to kill the Lord Commander for the genocide on Furya. Without any thought of getting out of there alive, he decides to go for the assassination attempt (which is not his usual MO).  He fails and is given another chance to join the Necromongers (again).

It’s hard to say that this is a well thought out film. In fact, I am not sure that there was any though given to some of it. I am not sure how movies like this get made, but it was funny to watch. I wish I could liken it to Starship Troopers (1997) which was only made as a joke.

All in all this movie is great for watching bad acting, poor plots, and stupidly fun one-liners. 

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